is Application Engine?
Engine is a Development PeopleTool
designed to create applications, these applications are useful to perform the
background SQL process, means we can develop, test, and run background SQL
processing programs. It is a set of SQL statements people code and program
control actions defined in A.D that performs business process.
What is the use of A.E program?
We can use
PeopleSoft Application Engine for straight row-by-row processing, but the most
efficient Application Engine programs are written to perform set-based
Application Engine does not generate SQL or PeopleCode it executes the SQL and
PeopleCode that we include in an Application Engine action as part of our overall
Application Engine is designed for batch processing where we have a large
amount of data that must be processed without user intervention. Ex:
calculating the salaries in payroll processing
What are the advantages with Application Engine over SQR and Cobol/SQL?
A.E is a PeopelTool Object
remaining or 3rd party tools.
- Using A.E we can run parallel processing
- The main advantage is restart facility.
- Meta SQL support is there.
Encapsulation: Application
Engine programs reside completely
within the database. In COBOL or SQR;
programs reside completely within the File server. If we make any changes on objects it will effect
across the database. In Application Engine, there is no need to compile our
programs, there are no statements to store, and there is no need to directly
interact with the operating environment. We can develop our entire program from
scratch, including the table definitions; we can run and debug our applications
without leaving the PeopleTools environment. We can Build, run and debug our
applications without existing PeopleTools.
Easy Up gradation: For
this PeopleSoft People gave some scripts, by running these scripts we can
upgrade easily. But we can't do this things in COBOL and SQR, for this we have
to do the record change then modify our batch programs using some other
mechanism all while make sure to keep track of what was changed and how and
where it affects the batch program. With Application Engine and PeopleTools,
it's all taken care of automatically.
Portable to Operating System: We
can call different versions of a section for different platforms, as needed.
Supported RDBMS platforms are DB2, Oracle, Informix, DB2/Unix, Sybase, and
Microsoft. If there is no RDBMS-specific version, Application Engine uses the
default version.
& SQL Editors: PeopleCode & SQL Editors are available
in the Application Engine, these are useful to validate the program while
writing program. In SQR we can write the programs on Notepad or WordPad. Here
we won’t validate the program.
Facility: Suppose
we are executing an Application Program, after executing some line due to some
problems the program is aborted. After rectifying the error, now we want to run
the program from where the program was aborted. It is possible to restart the
program from one point where we last executed successfully, and continues with
the processing from that point. This type of built-in logic does not
exist in COBOL or SQR.
Meta-SQL support: It supports the meta-SQL, so that we can make
the program platform independent that is RDBMS independent. By using Meta SQL
we can generate portions of SQL statements.
Graphical Development
Interface: It supports the GDI environment, so that we easily
develop the objects.
The Application Designer
offers Application Engine developers the following benefits:
I. At a
time we can open multiple Application Engine programs.
II. Ability
to work at once on the entire Application Engine program.
supports two views. The Definition view
and the Program flow view. In the Definition view we can create and modify the
programs. In the Program Flow
view we can see the actual order in which the program will execute the
statements (It shows the graphical representation of the program execution).
Effective Dating: Application
sections are effective-dated, means at a particular date we can
activate/deactivate a section.
Business Logic: In the Application
Engine program we can invoke the peopleCode using the call Application Engine
program. Using this we can call other Application Engine program.
How many types of A.E program’s are there?
There are 5 types of A.E programs are there.
Standard, which is a normal entry-point program.
Upgrade only, which is used in PeopleSoft
Upgrade utilities.
Import only, which is used by PeopleSoft Import
Daemon Only, a special type of program used as a
daemon process.
Transform only, another special program type
used to support XSLT.
What is demon A.E program?
PSDAEMON, runs continuously when the Process Scheduler is running, and is
intended for recurrent jobs. It polls the system checking for certain
conditions to be true for events and when true, it schedules a process to
handle the event. The most common usage of the PSDEMON is to check for files
that have been loaded to the server and when found launch a process to import
the file. The purpose of Daemon program is to poll the system for a condition
and when the condition is true initiate a process.
What is demon group?
Once the demon
programs are created they need to be defined in a Daemon Group. The Daemon
Group contains all the daemon programs for one server. Daemon Group is attached
to Process Scheduler Server and Daemon is enabled.
What is Transform program type?
These types of
programs enable different systems to communicate with one another by
transforming messages into appropriate formats. When we specify an Application
Engine as a Transform Only program, we must specify an Action Type of XSLT. We
can use transform programs to do any of the following:
Apply a transformation to a message to
make its structure comply with the target system's requirements.
Perform a data translation on a message
so its data is represented according to the target system's conventions.
Determine whether to pass a message through to
its target, by filtering it based on its content.
Where will you use XSLT
In Transform only program
type we will use XSLT action.
What are the other Tools, which are useful to execute the background SQL
processing programs?
- SQR Process.
- Mass Change
COBAL / SQL and SQR are belongs to 3rd party tools not
belongs to PeopleSoft. Mass change is peopleTools.
Why we are not using the Mass Change as background SQL Process for
PeopleSoft Applications?
problem is there is no program logic. But the advantage is we can generate SQL,
no need to write anything for this.
What is the purpose of the Back Ground SQL Process?
can validate the data.
can move the data from one or more tables to one or more tables (Reporting
can update Database.
What is meant by Scheduling processing?
the data without user involvement.
What is the name of the Application Engine executable and what language
is it written in?
PSAE.exe and
It is written in standard C++.
this file resides in c:\<PS_Home>\bin\Client\Winx86\PSAE.exe.
Where are Application Engine programs stored?
Engine programs are stored in the PeopleSoft database.
Where can we create the Application Engine programs?
the Application Designer.
What is the limitation to the Application Engine program name?
12 characters.
Can we generate the SQL using the Application Engine?
No. Application Engine does
not generate SQL, it executes the SQL what we provide. We can generate the SQL
by using the Query Tool.
How can we make the database as platform independent?
using the meta-SQL in our programs.
How many types of components can include the Application Engine?
Engine includes two distinct components: one is the "front-end" used to define batch program and the other is
"back-end” used to run the
program what we developed.
What are the changes from 7.5 Version to 8.x Version?
Up to
7.5 the importance of the Application Engine Program is very less.
purpose: In 7.5 Application Engine is useful. In 8.x Application
Designer is useful.
In 8 Application
Designer is useful for only designing purpose, for execution purpose
Application Engine is useful. But
in 8.4 both are possible in Application Designer only.
Programming: There is no such type of programming languages in 7.5. PeopleCode is the
programming language for writing the programs in 8.x.
Cache Records: (Cache records are useful for Memory
purpose). 7.5 support only one cache record. 8.x supports more than one cache
Temporary Tables: These
are useful for increasing the performance of the program by storing the
intermediate results during a program run.
No such type of tables in 7.5. Available in 8.x
Messages: No multi language
support in 7.5, Available in 8.x.
How many components include Application Engine Program? The Structure of
the Application Engine Program?
Program: An executable program
must contain at least one Section, called MAIN .
The execution of the program always starts from the MAIN section, and used to
identify the starting point of the program.
Sections: A Section is a set of
ordered Steps. When a section is called, its steps are executed sequentially.
The execution starts with the first step of the MAIN section and ends with the
last step. We can call Sections (and other programs) from Steps within other
Sections. We can put n number of sections in the program, but at least
one section should be there, that is MAIN .
Without MAIN section we can also develop Application Engine Program, but we can
use this as an Application Library. They can't be executed directly because
they have no MAIN Section.
Steps: A Step is the smallest
unit of work. We can use a Step to execute a PeopleCode command or log a
message, execute a SQL statement or to call another Section. Every program
begins by executing the first Step of the MAIN Section and ends after the last
Step in the last Section completes successfully. We can specify the properties
to the Section level and Step level.
Actions: It contains the code we wish to execute. The
primary type is a SQL statement. But we also have log messages, people code,
call other section, and perform transformations.
What should we get when we open a new Application Engine program?
can get only one section that is MAIN and
Step01 (with no actions yet).
What is the purpose of the Program?
An Application Engine program
identifies the set of processes to execute a given task.
Can we change the name of the MAIN section?
we can’t. This is only one section we can’t rename.
we have A.E program without MAIN ?
What is an Application Library?
Application Library is program that contains collection
of callable sections. We can’t run the Application Library as a standalone
are the properties of the Sections?
Section name: We can specify the section name and the limitation is 8
Description: We can write some description about the section.
Market: Select
the Market for which the section is intended. If a particular Market is
irrelevant to your batch program, keep the default Market value of Global
Platform: In some cases, we may develop an application for some
other RDBMS. For this we can specify the Platform name here only.
Effective Date: We can make a particular section
effective-dated and we can enter the effective date. The default effective date
is 01/01/1900.
Effective Status: Specify whether a section is active or not. Active refers
to being enabled at runtime. Inactive Sections are bypassed at runtime.
Section Type: In
the case of an abnormal termination of the program, the value of this system
field specifies whether you must restart the section.
Auto Commit: You
can opt to have no commit or you can have Application Engine commit after the
step successfully completes.
Access: We can specify that a section can or can’t be called
from another program. If select this check box means we can’t call this from other
section. Otherwise we can call this form other section.
Comments: We can add additional comments for this section.
What are the parameters
of the steps?
Name: We can specify the Step name.
Description: We can write some description about the
After: We can determine when commit will be executed.
Default: uses value supplied for
the section.
Later: don’t commit now.
After step: commit
when step completes.
Frequency: Only available in Loops.
Error: We can specify any one action to take when an error
Abort: The program terminates
and will write the message-to-message log.
Ignore: It will write
message-to-message log and continue.
Suppress: no message will be
written, but the program will continue.
Comment: We can add additional
comments for this Step.
How can we view the
comments of a particular section?
By selecting View,
Show all comments or by
pressing F2 or Right click
on a particular section in that select Show Comment.
How many actions can
Application Engine supports?
8 actions.
- PeopleCode.
- Call Section.
- Log Messages.
- Do Select
- Do While
- Do Until
- Do when
What is the sequence of execution of A.E. program?
Do When
Do while
SQL \ call section
People code
Do until
At a time how many
actions allows the Application Engine program?
7 actions.
What are the mutually
exclusive actions?
and Call Section are mutually exclusive.
call section and SQL are mutually exclusive?
Both SQL and call section is used to perform DML operations so we
will use either SQL or call section.
we put same action in one step?
We can't put same action in
one step.
Can we have commits after every step?
Yes we can have commit after every step.
What is the use of the Log Messages?
Log Message Action can be used to write a message to the MESSAGE_LOG based on a
particular condition in the program. This gives your program multi-language
The Message Log refers to the People Tools table (PS_MESSAGE_LOG) where
execution messages reside. Any substitution parameters are written to
What is the purpose of the Do Select?
Do Select is nothing but a For Loop and is used to
populate state record values within the Application Engine program. Do select
statement is a select statement that executes subsequent actions with in the
step once for every row of data that is returned.
What are the select
types of the DO SELECT?
- Select/fetch
- Reselect
- Restartable
What is Select/fetch?
Select and fetch opens the cursor
to the database.
Selects the first row that meets
the sql condition in the Do Select.
Executes the actions in the step
(call section, sql, etc).
Once the
subsequent actions are completed the program returns to the open cursor from
the Do Select, retrieves the next row and continues again with the rest of the
What is Reselect?
Reselect opens a
cursor to the database.
Selects the first
row that meets the sql condition in Do Select.
Closes the cursor.
Executes the
following Actions in the step (Call Section, sql, etc)
Once the
subsequent Actions are completed the program returns to the sql in the do
select and opens a cursor again.
What is Restartable?
It will acts like
select and fetch but the only difference is we will use this with reselect
What is the purpose of the Do While?
It is a
SELECT statement that runs before subsequent actions of the step. The
subsequent actions within the step are executed in a loop as long as the SELECT
statement returns at least one row for the Do while action. Do While is nothing
but a While Loop.
What is the purpose of the DO until?
A Do until action is a Select
statement that runs after each action when a step completes. If the Select
returns any rows of data, the step terminates. Do Until is nothing but a Repeat Loop.
What is the purpose of the Do When?
The Do When action is a SELECT statement that allows subsequent
actions to be executed if any rows of data are returned. This is the first
executable statement with in the step. Do when is nothing but an If Loop. It
contains SQL that tests for a condition. If the condition is true then it
returns a row of data, and it executes the subsequent actions within the step.
If the condition is false then no row of data returned and it terminates the
entire step. If there are no more steps to execute, the program will end.
What is the purpose of the SQL action?
Statements are used to perform the DDL, DML, and DCL operations. Majority cases
we are using the DML commands (UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, SELECT).
What is the use of the Call Section?
Call Section is used to call one section from another
section. The "called" Section can be in the same program as the
calling Section, or it can be in an external program. If a Section
already exists in one program, rather than copying it into another program,
just call it.
What is the use of people code action in
A.E program?
People code provides reusing common faction libraries of A.E program. And
used to build dynamic SQL performs simple if /then/else edits set defaults and
perform other tasks that don’t required trip to the database.
What is difference
between Do select and SQL?
The Do Select action is a SELECT
statement that executes subsequent actions once for every row of data that the
Do Select returns. It works like a FOR loop. It returns a row. Do Select is a
test condition. Where as SQL executes DML and Meta SQL.
What is
difference between call section action and dynamic call check box?
Call Section is used to call one section from another
section. The "called" Section can be in the same program as the
calling Section, or it can be in an external program. If a Section
already exists in one program, rather than copying it into another program, just
call it.
and AE_SECTION fields in the state record to execute different sections
depending on the conditions a program encounters during runtime.
These two fields
must be defined on the default state record for the program. If AE_APPLID is
not present or is blank (at run time), the current program is substituted for
the AE_APPLID value. If AE_SECTION is not present or is blank, an error occurs.
When issuing a
dynamic call, both the section and the Program ID must be dynamically
set. You enable a dynamic call by first having your program store different
section names in the AE_SECTION field, and different program names in AE_APPLID
field. The values you insert in these fields are normally based on various
conditions met within your program. You then create a Call Section action that
calls the section name defined in the State record field by selecting the Dynamic
check box.
dynamic automatically populates the AE_SECTION field with the symbolic value
%Section, and the Program ID field with the symbolic value %AEAPPLID. At
runtime, the program calls the section name stored in AE_SECTION that belongs
to the program name defined by AE_APPLID.
How can we expand all the nodes in the Application Engine program?
By using the + icon or by selecting View, Expand All or (Ctrl+Shift+X)
or expand all nodes toolbar button
available in the standard toolbar.
How can we hide all the nodes in the Application Engine program?
Collapse All and View, Hide All Details. Or (Ctrl+Shift+C)
How can we filter some particular sections?
Select View > Section Filtering
> Custom. Then specify the market type (ex: GBR) and click
OK. So that we can get only
some section which are belongs to the GBR market type. To
disable this option select View
> Section Filtering > No Filtering.
How many levels of actions support the Application Engine program?
Application Engine supports up
to 99 levels of nested Call Section Actions.
For example, the first called
Section can call a second, which can call a third, and so on, up to 99 calls.
Can we have
more than one state record in single A.E?
Yes we can have more than one state
record in A.E but one should be the default state record.
Tell me what you know about state record?
State records are used to assign variables for Application Engine
program. State Record used as a
worktable. Key field is Process_instance. It can be a derived work
record or SQL table. No people code fires on AE state record. To restart
facility we put the Process_instance field.
How will u pass variable from one A.E. to another A.E. program?
Through state record.
What is the purpose of the State Record?
pass the variables for the Application Engine program.
What is the other name to the State Record?
How many state records can be associated with an Application Engine
An Application Engine program
may have zero, one, or many state records. Only one state
record will be the default.
Where do we associate a state record with an Application Engine program?
Who creates the State Record in the Application Engine program?
State Record must be created and maintained by the Application Engine
What type of record is a state record?
Can be a Physical record (SQL table) or a derived work record. If it is Physical table we
should build before using
What is the extension to the state record?
_AET. Then only the system
identifies the record as a state record.
many rows we can have in state record?
We will have one row in state record. But
in case if multiple A.E programs use same state record as default state record
then there will be multiple rows in state record. i.e. one row for each record.
What field is used as the key field on a state record?
Why we are using the PROCESS_INSTANCE as a key field in the state record?
restart facility.
What Meta SQL is used to retrieve values
form a state record?
What Meta SQL is used to store values
into a state record?
Can we specify the Date type field as a required field?
we can specify only character and numeric fields as required fields.
Is people code fires on
A.E sate record?
PeoplCode fires on an Application Engine state record.
How can we access the
properties of the Application Engine Programs?
If we want to view and modify the properties of an
Application Engine program open it in the Application Designer, select File > Object Properties while the program is open and press the
Properties button. We can
also press ALT+ENTER. Then it displays the Program Properties Dialog Box, and
it consists of 4 controls.
- General
- State Records
- Temp Tables
- Advanced
Description: Used to enter a descriptive name. In this
edit box we can enter up to 30-character only.
Comments: Used to enter the comments about the
program. Or add any other useful comments that development or administrative
staff may need to see.
Owner ID: Used
to enter the Owner ID for the program. Owner ID is a way to identify which
objects are owned by which PeopleSoft products, such as General Ledger,
Accounts Receivables, and so on. The values in the dropdown list are Translate
table values associated with the OBJECTOWNERID field. This field is entirely
2.State Records:
Search: By default, the Record List box will contain all record
names that end with the extension AET. We can also specify the state record
Get List: Press
this button, to populate the Record List box.
Record List: This text box contains
the results of the State Record search.
Selected: This group box is where we select State
Records for use with a particular program. Use the Add button to include selected
records that appear in the Record List. Use the Remove button to exclude
selected records that appear in the selected list box. Indicate which State
Record will act as the default State Record by selecting its checkbox. For the
default State Record, we only need to reference fieldnames in the PeopleCode
and SQL (for the active program). When we reference a non-default State
Record, we do so by using recname.fieldname.
Qualify Search: This edit box is useful to enter any wild card
characters or complete table names to limit the results that will appear in the
Record List. By default, the Record List box only will contain records that are
of type "Temporary Table". This is an attribute applied at the time
you create the Record in Application Designer.
Get List: Press this button, to populate the Record
List box.
Record List: This text box contains the results of the
Temp Table search.
Selected: This
group box is where you select temporary tables for use with a particular program.
Use the Add button to include selected records that appear in the Record list.
Use the Remove button to exclude selected records that appear in the selected
list box.
Instance Count: The Instance Count
value controls the number of physical tables to be created for each dedicated
table for this program during the SQL Build procedure in Application Designer.
Typically, you would set this number to equal the number of parallel program
runs that you anticipate. For instance if you expect up to five instances of
the same program to run simultaneously, then you would set the Instance Count
to 5.
Insert Selected List into Project: If the active Application Engine program
definition belongs to a Project, then you can opt to include the dedicated
temporary tables for this program within the same project.
Runtime: When
you are implementing dedicated temporary tables, you must consider how your
program should behave in the event the number of active processes exceeds the
number of dedicated temporary table instances. Do you want the program to
abort, or do you want it to use the base table (PS_recname with no suffix),
which is a non-dedicated table. The Runtime options enable you to control how
an Application Engine program behaves in the event that an instance of its
specified dedicated temporary tables are not available. If you select Continue, then Application Engine uses
the base version, or undedicated version, of the temporary tables. If you
select Abort, then the program
exits with a meaningful error message.
4. Advanced:
Restart: Application
Engine has built-in restart capabilities. In many cases, we will want to have
Restart enabled. To disable restart for a particular program, select DisableRestart.
Library: Most Application Engine programs are defined to be
executable. An executable program has a main entry point in its definition: the
Section MAIN. This defines the entry point so whatever method we choose to
invoke the program, such as command line or Process Scheduler, can initiate the
program. However, in some cases, we may want a program to only contain a
collection, or "library," of common routines (in the form of
"callable" Sections) that we do not want to run as a standalone
program. When sections are defined as "Public," other programs can
call the Sections, or routines, that exist in the "library" at
runtime. Because this type of Program is not designed to run as a stand-alone
program, it does not require the MAIN Section, or initial entry point. Setting
the Application Library option
renames or removes any existing MAIN Section.
Note: Application Libraries are the appropriate
spot to store a collection of shared Application Engine program Sections. It is
not intended to store a specific SQL Action with in a Section. To share common
SQL, use the SQL repository.
Only: This option is for programs intended to be used for
upgrade purposes only. PeopleSoft delivers some Application Engine programs for
upgrade-only uses. Unless you are responsible for the upgrade procedure at your
site, you won't need to deal with these programs. These programs are documented
specifically within the Upgrade documentation accompanying your shipment. Message Set. Specify the message set
value that you want assigned as the default message set number for this
Application Engine program. The system uses this Message Set value for all Log
Message Actions where the message set isn't specified.
Difference between online and
batch execution:
Batch Execution
Started by
CallAppEngine from PeopleCode.
Started through
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.
Program runs
quickly, synchronously, and at random times.
Programs run for
longer amounts of time, asynchronously, and at scheduled times.
Potential for simultaneous
Can be designed for
parallel execution for performance.
Uses the Online
Temporary Table pool.
Uses the Batch/Dedicated
Temporary Table pool.
How many ways we can execute A.E program?
Batch Using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
Online Using PeopleCode
Manual Using the Command Line
Batch Using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
This is the most
typical mode of execution. You invoke programs that run in this mode using
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler or the Application Engine Process Request Page.
Batch mode is also referred to as asynchronous execution meaning that it
runs independently in the background. PeopleSoft Application Engine runs on any
operating system that PeopleSoft supports as an application server.
To run
Application Engine programs on the batch server, you must install Tuxedo. This
applies to both UNIX and Windows NT batch servers. If you run your batch server
on the same server machine as your application server, then the application
server and the batch server can share one Tuxedo install. If your batch server
is separate from your application server, then you must install the Tuxedo
CD-ROM to your batch server.
Online Using PeopleCode
Engine programs that execute online typically get executed from a page with the
CallAppEngine PeopleCode function. Such online processes are synchronous
meaning that subsequent processes wait on the results. For instance, a page may
be "frozen" until the online process returns the necessary results.
With CallAppEngine there are no COMMITs issued. There is an asynchronous online
PeopleCode option, ProcessRequest. With ProcessRequest, COMMITs are allowed.
Manual Using the Command Line
Usually, you use this technique
only during testing or if you need to manually restart the program.
In this section, we discuss how to:
Most Application Engine programs are scheduled to run
using the Process Scheduler. In 4 ways we can execute A.E program, they are
Use Process Scheduler to start Application
Engine batch programs.
Use the Application Engine Process Request page.
Use PeopleCode to call an Application Engine
Use the command line to invoke an Application
Engine program
Running From within the Application Engine
For this we have RUN PROGRAM icon on the Application Engine Tool
Create new record (ID, Name, and Salary). Save (EMP_TBL) and
Create page, component, and menu. Register the component.
Create new Application
Engine Program, insert SQL
action and write
Click on RUN Button.
2. Through PeopleCode
To run through peoplecode we should create a push button on a
page. When we click the push button, Filed change PeopleCode is triggered and
associated PeopleCode will be executed.
Create new record (ID, Name, and Salary), then save (EMP_TBL) and
Write PeopleCode (Salary field
and Field Change Event)
Create new page, insert record fields (ID, Name, and Salary). And
insert a push button. Then double click on the push button and specify the
record name and field name. Then click on label
tab and select any image ID. Click OK.
Create component and menu.
Create new Application Engine program. Insert SQL Action.
NAME, SALARY) VALUES (‘100’, ‘NUTAN’, 30000);
Save the program with EMP_AE.
Open the component click the Push Button. Then observe the
3. Running From PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.
Create one record (ID, Name, salary). Create Page and Component
and Menu. Register the Component. Save the record with EMP_TBL.
Create new Application Engine object, insert SQL action, Then
50000); then save the program with EMP_AE.
Open Browser environment
PeopleTools > Application Engine
> Request AE then click on
add new value then enter User ID and Run control ID
and Program name. SAVE.
Go to Process Scheduler
> Process, Click on Add New value, then enter the Process type as
Application Engine and Process name (Program name).
Go to the Process Definition Options
tab; specify the server name and Component name as AE request and Process
Again go to the request AE (PeopleTools,
Application Engine, and Request AE). Open the process which we created. Then
click on RUN button.
Go to the Process
Monitor click on Refresh.
Running From Command Line
For this we should create .BAT file.
Open any notepad file, write C:\PT8.42\bin\server\WINX86\PSAE
-CD <database name> -CO <userID> -CP <User Password> -R
<Run Control ID> -AI <Program Name>
Then save the file with .BAT extension.
Run Time Parameters for END-USER:
- -CT: Database
- -CD: Database
- -CO: User
- -CP: User
- -R: Run Control ID
- -AI: Program Name
- _I: Instance
Run Time Parameters for Developers:
- -TRACE n: Generate
AE Trace File
- -DEBUG a: Invoke
Online AE Debugger
- -CONVERT: Convert to release 7 to 8
What is the function used to call A.E program through
people code?
CallAppEngine function
In which events of people code we can write
CallAppEngine function?
You need to include the
CallAppEngine PeopleCode function within events that allow database updates.
This includes the following PeopleCode events:
SavePreChange (Record)
SavePostChange (Page)
Subscription (Message)
Diff between online A.E program and batch job?
Online A.E program is executed from a page with the call app
engine people code function. In this process the page, which is calling from
Online will be frozen until the process returns any results. No commits are issued
until the program complets.
Batch process is the
typical mode of execution, in this mode programs are run using process
scheduler or A.E request page.
Why we need the Debugging concept?
After completion of the program successfully, due to some
problems the output is not what we expected, the problem may be the network,
hardware, system software, database, procedures or application software, So
that we need to find the mistake. That means we have to debug the program.
Where can we view the
failure details of the program?
Application Engine supports what type of
Debugging Tools?
- Process Monitor
- Application Engine Trace file (In
the Configuration Manager)
- Application Engine Interactive
- PeopleCode Debugger.
How can we access the
Application Engine Interactive Debugger?
Set the Debug check box on, in the Process Scheduler folder tab in
the Configuration Manager.
the Configuration Manager.
click on the Trace tab and turn off the statement timings.
on the profile tab.
on the Edit push button.
the Process Scheduler page, we will find the Application Engine options.
the Debug check box.
the OK to save the new configuration.
When we use A.E
Interactive Debugger?
It can be used while running on the client or when running directly on
the server –out side of the process scheduler.
How can we access the
Debug Commands?
After specifying the Debug
option in the Configuration Manger, Run any program then we will see the DOS
communication window, then type a ? And press ENTER. Then it displays all the
debugging commands.
How can we set A.E Trace
For process running on a windows
workstation, we can set trace option in configuration manager.
In configuration manager > Trace tab
> A.E Trace will be there in that we can set trace.
What do the A.E Trace file shows you?
A.E Trace will show the steps and sql issued in the order and
complete information. In addition it shows execution timings.
can you debug A.E program form command line argument and other?
What errors you got when you
are running A.E program?
How do you debug an A.E program?
You can set the
Debug option in the following locations:
Start PeopleSoft Configuration Manager and
select the Process Scheduler tab. In the Application Engine group, enable Debug
by selecting the Debug check box. This is the method that applies to all
methods of invocation.
If you used the command line option to invoke
your Application Engine program, then you can just include the —DEBUG Y
parameter in the command line you submit to PSAE.EXE. If you already have the
Debug check box selected in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, then you do not
need to include the —DEBUG parameter in your command line.
If you have PeopleCode in your Application
Engine program, you should also enable the PeopleCode Debugger. When you launch
your program and the PeopleCode Action executes, you will enter the PeopleCode
Debugger at that point.
Note. Setting the debug capabilities in either PeopleSoft
Configuration Manager or the command line will turn debug mode on. The only
situation where this is not true is when you have Debug enabled in
Configuration Manager and you explicitly submit —DEBUG N on the command line.
In this case, the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager setting defines your
"default" command line value, and the command line can override the
do you enable the PeopleCode Debugger for Application Engine?
Sign on to
PeopleTools using the same User ID that you are going to use to invoke the
Application Engine program.
Open PeopleSoft
Application Designer.
Select Debug,
PeopleCode Debugger Mode.
Your Application
Engine program can be open on the desktop, but you do not need to open the
Application Engine program or the PeopleCode action that you want to debug.
Select Debug, Break
at Start.
This causes the Application Engine program to
break prior to executing any PeopleCode programs within it.
What is temparary table and instances?
table is buffer allocation, which consists of row and columns. Application
Engine programs run in batch mode, multiple instances of the same program often
execute in parallel processing. When this happens, there is a significant risk
of data contention and deadlocks on tables. To avoid this PeopleSoft
PeopleTools has a feature that enables you to dedicate specific instances of temporary
tables for each program run.You can also use temporary tables to improve
performance. Instances determine the no… of
temp tables to be created.
Difference between online and batch job temporary
table instances?
What is
work record?
It’s a temp
table used to store temporary values.
Difference between _Tmp and _Tao?
on line process we will use _tmp and for batch process we will use _tao
you assign the temp tables to A.E program?
Open a.e program
>program properities>temp tables
Select the table you want
Click ok
Save the program
Open app designer
Open the record
Build the record
What is A.E run control record?
A.E Run control record stores the values of A.E program
What is restart facility?
The restart facility is used to restart the A.E program where it
was stopped.
What you need to do for making restart facility in A.E program?
At least one state record needs to be physical record as
the data will be available in case of abend.
We have to select the restart check box in A.E program properties.
In configuration manager select the process scheduler tab and
uncheck the disable restart.
How you improve performance of A.E. Program?
using temp tables we can improve performance.
using traces and reusing options.
using SQL execution logic in a people code action. Instead use the logic in do
insert option can speed up your program with in a loop.
Define the following Meta
%Bind: Used for retrieve data
from the state record
%Select: Inserting values in to state record
%Table: For referencing a table across multiple databases
%Truncate: To delete the temporary table
%DateIn: Where dt
is either a Date value or a date literal in YYYY-MM-DD format, expands into
platform-specific SQL syntax for the date. %DateIn should be used whenever a
date literal or Date bind variable is used in a comparison in the WHERE clause
of a SELECT or UPDATE statement, or when a Date value is passed in an INSERT
Where dt is a date column, expands to a platform-specific
SQL substring representing dt in the SELECT clause of an SQL
%Mode: Gives the correct user action Mode, like add/update…
%Execute edit: Enables People Soft Application Engine to support data
dictionary edits in batch
%Join: Expands the join dynamically while executing this Meta sql
What is the max no of temp table instances can be created?
The system creates a maximum of 99
temporary table instances only, even if the sum exceeds 99 for a particular
temporary table.
The naming convention for the
temporary table instances is as follows.
Where nn is a number between
1 and 99, as in PS_TEST_TMP23.
What is parallel processing?
The ability for multiple instances
of the same programme to run simultaneously is called parallel or concurrent
What is set processing?
Set processing
is nothing but processing sets of rows at one time rather than processing each
row individually. Set processing enables you to apply your business rule
directly on the data (preferably while it resides in a temporary table) in the
database using an update or insert/select statement. Most of the performance
gain is because the processing occurs in the database instead of loading the
data into the application program, processing it, and then inserting the
results back into the database tables. Because the data never leaves the
database with set processing, you effectively eliminate the network round trip
and database API overhead.
Note. Because
the updates in set processing occur within the database, PeopleSoft encourages
you to use temporary tables to hold transient data while your program runs.
Although temporary tables are not required for set processing, they are often
essential to achieve optimum performance in your batch program. The only select
statements used in set processing appear in sub queries of an insert and update
Example for Row by Row processing query
A cursor for select dept_id from department where profit
A into p_dept_id
sql_status == OK
personnel set salary = (salary+1000) where dept_id =
A into p_dept_id;
free A;
Example for set processing query
personnel set salary = (salary + 1000)
'X' from department
profit > 50000
personnel.dept_id =
What is
bulk insert?
buffering rows into database. PeopleSoft Application Engine offers this
non-standard SQL enhancement on the following databases: Oracle, Microsoft
SQLServer, and DB2. This feature is named Bulk Insert. For those database
platforms that do not support bulk insert, this flag is ignored.
You should
consider using this feature only when the INSERT SQL is called multiple
times in the absence of intervening COMMITs
When used in
conjunction with statements like INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2...)
VALUES (%BIND(ref1), %BIND(ref2), Bulk Insert offers the most powerful degree
of performance enhancements related to ReUse. This option turns on ReUse, and,
in addition, it holds all the data in a buffer and performs an insert only
after a large volume of rows has gathered in the buffer. The number of rows
allowed to gather in the buffer depends on your database platform. Keep in mind
that storing data in the buffers is applicable only if you've selected Bulk
Insert and the SQL is an INSERT statement. For statements other than
INSERT/...VALUES, the Bulk Insert option is ignored.
This option is
only applicable if the sql in our sql action contains a sql insert
Where we have to set options for disable and enable restart facility?
There are three places that we can enable or disable
Check box on the
Program Properties dialog box
Check box in the
Configuration Manager Profile
To disable,
include the option —DR Y to the command line of PSAE.EXE (or delete to enable
If in any of these three places you've disabled
restart, then restart is disabled.
To enable or disable restart in Program Properties dialog
1. Select File, Definition Properties or click the Properties
2. Select the Advanced tab and select or clear the Disable
Restart check box appropriately.
If you are
developing programs and are ready to test but don't want a restart condition to
get in the way, you could leave the Disable Restart check box clear in the
Program Properties. Then, you could have the Disable Restart check box on the
Configuration Manager selected, or if you are invoking your program from the
command line, you could have the Restart flag enabled. This allows you to test
new development and avoid errors about forcing you to restart during your
testing. At the same time it prevents you from inadvertently leaving Disable
Restart selected in the Program Properties when you moved the program into production.
To enable or disable restart in PeopleSoft Configuration
1. Start Configuration Manager. Select the Profile tab and click
the Edit button.
2. Select the Process Scheduler tab and select or clear the
Disable Restart check box appropriately.
What we have to do for
restart facility?
Program level:
One state record should be
sql table.
On the advanced tab in the
program properties dialog box make sure that disable restart is not checked
In configuration manager make sure that
disable restart is not selected on the process schedular tab
Section level:
The options for section
type should be prepare only and critical updates.
If the section is only preparing data
as selecting it populating temporary tables or updating temporary tables the
section type should be prepare only.
If the section is updating
permanent application tables in the database we should select critical updates.
Step Level:
We need to have some
conditions that reduce the answer set returned by the doselect
Add and order by clause:
%select field1
select field1
from ps_some_record
order by field1
Add a switch to the
selected table
Select column1, column2
From ps_table1
Where processing_switch =
Delete processed rows.
What code we used for restart facility?
%select field1
select field1
from ps_some_record
order by field1
Add a switch to the
selected table
Select column1, column2
From ps_table1
Where processing_switch =
Delete processed rows.
How can we validate
application engine data?
What is the syntax for
reading and writing a file from people code action?
The following example opens an
existing Unicode file for reading:
"E", "U");
&MYFILE.IsOpen Then
Process the contents of each &SOMESTRING */
The following example opens a
numbered file for writing in ANSI format, without overwriting any existing
&MYFILE.IsOpen Then
How can we call a
section dynamically in app engine?
and AE_SECTION fields in the state record to execute different sections
depending on the conditions a program encounters during runtime.
These two fields
must be defined on the default state record for the program. If AE_APPLID is
not present or is blank (at run time), the current program is substituted for
the AE_APPLID value. If AE_SECTION is not present or is blank, an error occurs.
When issuing a
dynamic call, both the section and the Program ID must be dynamically
set. You enable a dynamic call by first having your program store different
section names in the AE_SECTION field, and different program names in AE_APPLID
field. The values you insert in these fields are normally based on various
conditions met within your program. You then create a Call Section action that
calls the section name defined in the State record field by selecting the Dynamic
check box.
Selecting dynamic
automatically populates the AE_SECTION field with the symbolic value %Section,
and the Program ID field with the symbolic value %AEAPPLID. At runtime, the
program calls the section name stored in AE_SECTION that belongs to the program
name defined by AE_APPLID.
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